

生贺的正片告一段落,老老实实对喻总说一声生快,您做人与做事都是我的偶像m(_ _)m 感谢您带出了联盟成长氛围最好的队伍,不管您是什么来头,相信在队友面前始终是表里如一的(x)。我们都知道您在同人里身手不好,不过无论多凶险的境地都没有担心过,因为有世上最好的队友,他们陪着你。

至于relationship方面,私以为有段话适合Mr.Ysu: his smile was one of those rare smile that you may come across four or five times in life, it seemed to understand you,and and believe in you just as you would like to be understood and believed in......that make girls wish to had done everything on earth with him


最后给您写传的话,要在前缀加上一个'the Great'。(鼓掌=O

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